Traditional room Pilates
The Traditional room is inclusive of The Cadillac, Stability Chair, Ladder Barrel, and arc Barrel.
The Cadillac is essentially a raised horizontal table-top surrounded by a four-poster frame on which various bars, straps, springs and levers are fixed. Standard models include a push-through bar (which can be sprung from above or below), a roll-down bar, a trapeze or cross bar, arm springs, leg springs, thigh and ankle cuffs and even fuzzy hanging loops. As with most Pilates equipment pieces, the Cadillac contains various adjustable parts and you really need a trained instructor to guide you through safe, proper usage and effective technique.
Many different exercises can be performed on this piece of Pilates equipment, ranging from gentle spring-assisted sit ups to advanced acrobatics that have one hanging from the upper bars - there’s something for all ages and abilities. The Cadillac repertoire of exercises truly challenges the core abdominal muscles, develops spinal flexibility, works the shoulder girdle, strengthens the back and stretches the total body.