testimonials - TOTAL SEACHANGER

Total Seachanger

Unfortunately a back injury cut my Ballet career short and was forced into the work force. During this time I went on a journey and learnt to be in my body in a different way. Yoga and Pilates has been a staple for me since a young age but during this time it become something different for me. Yoga became a spiritual and emotional healing process as I slowly started rehabbing not only my body but also my mind. Then I discovered Quro and made a conscious decision to have a sea change and invested into myself in Quro education courses.
A year later I have a certificate in Essential Mat, Essential Reformer, Essential Yoga, Essential Vibration training, Essential Traditional Room, Essential Parent and child yoga, Essential Vertical Pilates (ballet basics), and an official Zumba instructor’s certificate.
I have also traveled to Singapore and received a certificate in Schema therapy. Completed Certificate four in training and assessment and am now regularly teaching teachers. In 2011 I am completing all Intermediate level courses and looking forward to going on my first international teacher-training course. I am deeply appreciating my Quro journey and the changes it has made to my life.
Grace McKay

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